Kukere Sisters: Episode 1
"My sunshine, you have captured my every being, just pray for me, once this contract I'm pursuing clicks, I will make enough money to come and see your people."
Austin said caressing Onyinye's palms.
Onyi who had been dreaming for the day the man of her dream will propose to her felt her heart beating on top of the world, but her happiness was cut short since he still needed to make some money.
"So, what if the contract fails to click?" She asks
"No my sunshine, don't be so negative, pray for your man"..
"Ooook, I have heard you" she cut in "I will start observing some fast then, if that's what you want" she said.
"Yea, that's my sunshine" Austin said watching her sip her soft drink, assuring himself of how lucky he was capturing the heart of the most decent girl of her time.
"Not in this generation you will find a 25 year old girl who protected her virginity against all odds, Oh man, you are such a lucky and proud man" he soliloquies.
"You said something?" Onyi asks.
"Me? Noo" he answered grabbing his glass of beer.
They maintained silence for few minutes.
"OK Sunshine, its getting late now"
"Yes my Love, we should start going" she replies.
Austin called the bar attendant and paid their bill.
They stood up, walked to the car and drove off. Sunshine is the love name Austin preferred calling Onyinye.
"Sunshine, do you really have to go to your hostel this night?" Austin asked in a warm demanding voice.
"Yes Love, I have quiz tomorrow" she replies.
When he stopped in front of Onyinye's hostel, he felt loneliness in his heart, he wished to wrap her in his arms throughout the night and he said:
"Sunshine, you know soon we will be husband and wife, its high time you start going to school from my place.When Onyinye wanted to utter a declining word, he "shiid" her by kissing her deeply.
And as far as I know, your Monday lectures normally start by 12.pm. Come on, Sunshine, you can read in the other room, I promise not to disturb you" he said as he drew her closer to himself, pecking her on the lips.
Onyi who wanted to resist him saw her feelings failing her, then she gave in, and they got entangled in a deep romantic kiss right in the car.
After the kiss, in a faint warm voice, Austin pleads: My sunshine, please let's go home, I promise, I won't disturb your reading"
Onyi giggled childishly and said: "OK Love, let me go to my room and get some of the things I will need for the night and tomorrow since I will be going to school from your place"
"Yes, that's my Sunshine, I love you" he said in a cheerful voice.
Onyi replied "I love you too" and alighted from the car, went straight to her room, got some few things, returned to the car and they drove off to Austin's place in Onitsha.
CLICK HERE to read text episodes.
To be continued
The author of Kukere Sisters is Ngozi Lovelyn O.
Warning: No part of this work should be use, reproduce, redistribute either electronically or manually without prior permission from the author..
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