Pure Love of Lizzy: Episode 5

"Why are you punishing me like this Gozie? This is not fair oo. I am supposed to be in lecture hall now and not here. This is pure wickedness"

"Shut up! Enough of this nonsense and be in your good mood. The clients will soon be here" Gozie ordered

"You said Clients, are they two?" Lizzy asked

"You will find out when they arrive" Mean Gozie answered.

Few minutes later, 3 men arrived. Gozie directed them to their room and asked Lizzy to make them happy and give them anything they demand, and warned her not to allow any drama to ensue.

"Gozie, I don't understand. You mean I should sleep with these 3 men at same time?"

"Don't ask silly questions and do as you are commanded"

"No Gozie, I won't do it. Hope its because of the video you are making me do all these things? Go ahead and release it. Go ahead Gozie I am tired of all these nonsense. Release the video, Gozie"

"See how you are wagging your mouth now as if it will be easy for you, remember how your family will react, especially your father who is a pastor, remember your church members. The shock alone will send your parents down their graves. You know you are living a fake life here in school. They see you as a saint at home while you live another life style in school. So Lizzy, the choice is yours, do we still have a business or should I, you know? Gozie asked, pressing his phone,  threatening to leak it online.

" Wait, just wait. I will do it, don't release it. But one thing I'm assuring you is this,
you will surely regret this, I promise you, you will regret it"

Gozie laughed out wickedly and said: "We shall see about that when the time comes, but right now, I am still the king, so obey my orders babe and give my clients all the styles they want, so now go and do your job diligently, now go!" Gozie commanded and continued laughing wickedly.

Lizzy was trapped in Gozie's web, escaping was very difficult, her mind was so devoid of any idea that could lead to her rescue. She made up her mind for the video to be leaked, but the effect it will have on her family, especially her father who was a head pastor in their church would be disastrous. So she decided to bear the pain and horror and asked God for help.

"Dear Lord, I know this is your way of punishing me for deviating in the path my parents set for me. Please can you forgive me and make everything right again? I promise to be born again and accept you back into my life. I need you Lord, please I need you in my life now. I could have committed suicide, but I don't have the courage to do that. Please help me, help me, help me Lord" Lizzy prayed, sobbing in her heart, entering the room.

As she was entering, Gozie forced her to be cheerful and be in good mood, so that the clients will not demand for another girl who will make them happy because he doesn't have any other worker for the job except Lizzy.
Lizzy saw hell that day. They turned her into toy and messed her up the way it
it pleased them. The worst part was that they tied her to a bed and done with her the way it pleased them. Lizzy was warned not to make any wailing noise to avoid attracting the attention of other people in the hotel. Because of that, she wallowed in pain and agony enduring the whole thing.

"Gozie, I promise you, you will die by my hands. I swear, I must surely end your miserable life." Lizzy cried in her heart.

About 3:30 am, the men left and Gozie entered the room, found Lizzy lying helplessly tied to the bed. He laughed at her, and said" you were given a dose of your simple life, why are you acting as if you have not done this type of thing before?"

"Gozie, you don't know anything about me, you know nothing. But I'm assuring you, you will regret this."

"Oh yes, you said it in the afternoon and I'm still wrapping my mind on how you can be able to achieve that. Stop dreaming girl, we are in this game for real. Now, get up, you need to go home and prepare for the arrival of Chief Ohadike, he is a very important client, and I would not want to miss that important opportunity. So get up" Gozie ordered, untying the rope

"Hope you were the one who gave them the rope?"

"Yes, and what about that? They requested for it, so I bought one for them"

This made Lizzy more determined in her heart to eliminate Gozie. But when she got up, she couldn't walk properly. The pain was terrible for her.
"Gozie, I am in pains, I can't walk properly."

"What do you mean you can't walk properly, did they just deflowered you? Come on, start going now. I already hired a taxi to take you back to your hostel"

Lizzy managed to carry herself and entered the taxi. When she reached hostel, she called for Nenye to open gate for her.

"Lizzy, where have you been? I have been trying your number, but you weren't answering. You got me worried."

"Nenye, let's go upstairs first" Lizzy requested sobbing

"Oh my God, Lizzy, what is it now? You are getting me scared. Oh my God, what is happening naa?"

But Lizzy kept sobbing, wiping her tears with the back of her palms.

When they entered their room, Lizzy asked: "Nenye, if I reveal this to you now, please don't be mad at me much. I have made a disastrous mistake, I should have listened to you just that I was carried away thinking I was in love"

"I think I already knew what you are about to say. The scxtape, you later did it with him, right?"

"How did you know? Has he leaked it?" Lizzy asked trembling in fear

"No, nothing of such nature happened. So he is blackmailing you with it? I was able to figure it out after you left with him in the afternoon, because you are one of the people who hardly miss lectures, for the fact you left at the exact time Dr Okafor was about entering the class meant that something was fishy."

"I am sorry I failed to confide in you, I was so scared of that video leaking to the public because he warned me not to inform anybody about it, but the pains I felt today was too unbearable and if I continue like this, he might end up killing me before my time"

"Lizzy, why? Why naa? You should have confided in me earlier! He was only blackmailing you with his mouth, it doesn't mean he will leak it because I'm sure he knows the consequences of engaging in such crime."

"But Nenye, this business now is linking him to top people in the society, don't you think if he gets caught by the police, they will find a way to secure his bail, and then what will become of me when the video must have been watched by everybody in the campus, and what about my people? The tape will strip my father of his title in the church. The only solution now is to find a way to kill him.

"Never, you can't soil your hand with blood. I know you are not speaking from the rightful sense of your mind, you that can not even hurt a fly"

"What do you think I should do then?"

"Don't worry, we will rob our minds together and think out the best solution to make him regret all the he did to you. Take me by my words, he will regret it. If that doesn't happen, then know my name is no longer "Nenye Baby". So stop crying my Darling friend, this is the time to repay you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. I don't have a sister, but you volunteered to be my sister, for that, anybody that messes with you, messes with me. As for Gozie, we are coming for him. Just lie down Sweetheart, it is well." Nenye said petting her.

To be continued.....

The Author of "Pure Love of Lizzy" is Ngozi Lovelyn O.

Warning: No part of this work should be copied, used, redistribute, reproduce either electronically or manually without prior permission from the author.


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