Just a Tear: Episode 35 by Ngozi Lovelyn O.

"Kanayo, why? When are you going to finally understand the kind of person Osonye is. I'm sure she had you played again. I am sorry to say this, you have lost, Kanayo, you have lost" Austin said feeling so sad.
"Austin, I don't understand you. I saw your message and did exactly what you asked me to do, or was the message wrong?" Kanayo asked wondering why Austin was feeling sad.

"Wait a minute! You saw the message?" Austin asked

"Yes, I got the message" Kanayo replied

"And you did exactly how you were instructed?" Austin asked

"Yes, I did. The Reason I didn't answer your call was that, I thought you were trying to stop me from saving my son but when the message came in, it got to me that maybe something had happened to Ekene and you have been trying to inform me about it. So that was why I read it and saw the awesome idea you suggested. It was so perfect, man."

"Oh thank God! Kanayo, you don't know how relieved I am right now. This is good to hear"

"Yes oo, thank you so much Austin, you have once again, save from the shackles of Osonye, I wasn't thinking straight when I left the hospital, I was ready to sacrifice everything for Ekene's sake, because I am the reason he is facing this challenges now, but forgetting how cunning Osonye is." Kanayo appreciated

"No, Kanayo, that idea was from your son" Austin replied

"You mean Ekene? Is he OK now?.. I mean when did he wake up?"

"No, he is still sleeping, Nneoma said he spoke to her through dream. Kanayo, I don't know how to put this, but I think that child has a great destiny. He is going to be a priest or something. All I know is that Mankind needs his gift for salvation."

"Austin, I am not surprised.....I will soon reach the hospital. I hope this antidote she gave me will work" Kanayo wished

"Let's pray but I doubt, because I have never trusted that woman. Ekene will be alright, I have the strong conviction, he will. He doesn't need the help of Osonye to get healed"

"Amen" Kanayo acknowledged.

Nneoma was sitting on the chair, sleeping waiting for Ekene to wake up. But it did not occurred to her that Ekene was very sick, she expected him to wake her up the moment he wakes.

When Ekene woke up, he started laughing again, exhibiting immense energy. He lifted the hospital bed so high and allowed it to fall hard on the floor, and thereby creating a vey disturbing sound which attracted the attention of the people.
The sound also woke Nneoma who was very deep in sleep.

"Ekene, you are awake? How are you now?" Nneoma asked hoping to receive a positive answer from him.

But he looked at her and burst into a high annoying laugh again.
Nneoma then started crying again because she thought Ekene would be alright after having a long sleep like Austin promised her.

"Ekene, Ekene.. Stop what you are doing. You are getting me scared..." Nneoma cried

The sound of the things Ekene was hitting in the room made the nurses and some other people who were in the hospital to approached his ward, but before they could reach there, Ekene had already ran out of the room and jumped off the building.

And people who saw him fell, shouted. They thought he would suffer a dislocation and a brain damage because of the way he fell, but none of that happened. Just that, he was left unconscious.

Nneoma broke out in tears and rushed down, before she could reach him, he had already been lifted and rushed to the emergency unit.

"Where is your father?" The doctor angrily asked Nneoma because he had already warned Kanayo to transfer Ekene to a Psychiatric hospital, but Nneoma did not say anything, she continued crying.

When Austin returned to the hospital and was informed on what happened, he was left devastated.
"Why did I allowed myself to make this kind of mistake? I just stepped out to save Kanayo from Osonye and forgot the primary responsibility I should take care off. Oh no! How do I explain this to Kanayo now? It's better I allow him to reach the hospital first, because he might loose control of his steering if I should tell him now"

About 17 minutes later, Kanayo reached the hospital. On stepping inside, the doctor who was about going out saw him and said "I warned you earlier to allow your son to be transferred to the Psychiatric hospital, but you wouldn't listen."

"Doctor, this one you are sounding like this, did anything happen?" Kanayo asked

"Your son attempted suicide by jumping off the building. But you are lucky he jumped from the first floor. He is still unconscious, but please as soon as he recovers from the shock, we are transferring him to a psychiatric hospital. Immediately" The Doctor said, entered his car and then drove off.

The moment Kanayo was about to climb the stairs, Osonye's call came in.

"What do you want from me again?" Kanayo asked in anger

"Tutututu! Have you tried the antidote, yet? I can imagine the shock on your face right now.... Kanayo, you will continue being a fool. A fool at 40 will remain a fool forever, guess you love being played, right? OK, let me cut the story short. Kanayo, you have lost again. As for the marriage, I am no longer interested. I am in love with a more Younger and handsome man. You can bring the divorce papers now, I am ready to sign them...in fact, whether you bring it or not, I am getting married again to my new Boo"..... Osonye laughed

"Osonye, are you through?" Kanayo asked

"Yes off course, I am through or do I speak more? Seems you are finally enjoying the sound of my voice again.." Osonye teased

"Osonye, though I am disappointed right now, because for a moment, you lifted my hope that my son will be alright in the next few hours, but never knew you still clinched to your normal games. But I am at same time happy to tell you that you have been played as well. Hope you know my signature well, right?"

"Off course, I know your signature"

"OK then, take a look at the documents that I signed and tell me if they in anyway resemble my real signature. You see your arrogance has played you again. You took me to be the most foolish man on earth and that was why you couldn't even check if I signed properly or not. Have you checked it? Hehehehe! I can imagine the shock on your face right now......Osonye, we are even after all. But one thing I am promising you now is this, my son Ekene will be fine. He doesn't need your help to get healed. And for your information, I don't want to find you in that house when I return, or else it will be your death.

"Kanayo! How dare you deceive me like this?.... Kanayo, I promise you, you will regret this and I won't rest until I take everything away from you"

"Osonye, if you know what's good for you, better not step your foot into that house again." Kanayo said and ended the call, and looked at the bottle Osonye gave him: "Aaarrrrhhhhh!! Osonye, I wish you are very close to me right now, I would have strangled you to death. For a moment, she made me believe my son will be OK"  he raged and then continued with where he was going.
On reaching the ward, the nurse brought Ekene to the room with ventilator machine.

"Kanayo, I am sorry, it was all my fault...." Austin tried to explain

"Chill man" Kanayo cut in and continued: "you did not do anything wrong. I don't know why I'm chickening like this, Ekene has always been a strong boy, I should have faith in him. Don't worry, he will snap out of it and return to us. He is still a child and God will not allow anything to happen to him."

"Wow! I am happy to hear this from you Kanayo, I have the strong conviction that he will be alright soon. I trust him" Austin said

As they were still discussing, Nneoma went close to where Ekene was lying, and started crying, begging him to get well.

Like the Wise Queen said, JUST a TEAR from a true love was the only antidote Ekene will need for his healing.
The moment a tear from Nneoma's eye touched Ekene's hand, he woke up and became normal again.
Nneoma's tear healed him and destroyed the charm Osonye rubbed on his head.

To be continued..

The Author of JUST a TEAR is Ngozi Lovelyn O.
Warning: No part of this work should be copied  used, reproduce, redistribute either electronically or manually without prior permission from the author.

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